Monday, April 30, 2012

Crunch Time! MTV Movie Awards Deadline Looming!

I've never felt so excited (and overwhelmed!) at the same time!  My first indiexhibit celebrity gifting event is May30th. The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
 My deadline is 5/15! Actually its the 10th because all products must be delivered by the 15th.
150 of them~!!!!!!  OH WOW!  I really jumped right in on this one.  What an amazing marketing opportunity!!!   Other big events are also tempting at the moment, however, this is the largest one with the most high-profile celebs.  To say I am busy is putting it lightly but it's a GOOD busy!  Once the event is over, I will post pics of what I made and also my display item (which could be gifted if a celeb would like to have it!)
Well enough rambling, I've got lots of work to do!

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