Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tooting my horn!!

I hate to toot my own horn but, well....Here it goes...beeeeeeeeeeeeep!!  I have found that with brides to be especially, immediate feedback is not something to expect, and with good reason!  I understand this completely now more than ever as my eldest daughter, Bonnie is planning her wedding celebration.  (She's my model for all of my items by the way!!)  This is a new venue for me and I'm learning new things everyday!
Oh back to the tooting my horn thing.... I have received some lovely feedback both in personal messages from the brides and also in actual the actual feedback forum.  It just made me feel like I could breathe a sigh of relief and also a sense of pride.  It gives me the push I need to keep going with this, and I love that!  I love weddings and I love what I do.  What could be better than that?!?  Beep beep!!!

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